Friday, February 29, 2008

American Idol Crazy

It's true. I am now a weekly watcher. Aaron's family has sucked me right in--it's family bonding time!! But you really should check out the David Archuleta videos and song on the playlist to the right. He's pretty impressive.


Moss Fam said...

we shamefully tivo idol so we can rewind the good ones and we love david! we watch his you tube video all the time.

Ryan said...

Sadly I have also been sucked in by American Idol. Luckily we tivo it and can skip over the crappy performances and most of Paula's incoherant babble. Hopefully Archuletta will win it all. There have been lots of articles about him here in UT and his friends say he is a shy goofy kid and they can't believe he is on Idol. I think that is what I like best about him, because it seems like he can barely believe he is there either. Love the blog.

Becca said...

Glad to hear that we aren't the only American Idol freaks out there that are older than 14. I'm so glad Amanda got voted off tonight!!!!!