Sunday, June 16, 2013

Three Times a Daddy

A big happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there...especially my own, my grandpas, my grandpas in law, and of course my husband.  Just in time for Father's Day he became a father to the third degree (which most of you have probably heard by now, but I still thought a post was in order).  She wasn't supposed to come until the 20th but chose June 6th to join us.  This was ONE day after my dad's birthday so I think he was a little disappointed, but she showed up on Aaron's mom's birthday instead so at least one grandparent was happy!

Let's just say that we were ALL happy about the two less weeks of pregnancy, and all of you who saw my feet or ankles during the last two weeks of pregnancy I did have were excited too.  Well, let's be honest, nobody could actually SEE my ankles...I'm sure you get the picture.  Even though we were excited, we were definitely not expecting it.  You might already be wondering why this baby post starts out with beach pictures, well this is where we spent most of our day that day.

It was gorgeous weather, so Aaron worked the morning and then we headed out to Westport around noon as Adelyn has been dying to go to the "real" ocean and not just the "beach" on the Puget Sound near our house.  And wow, we have been spending so much time at the Sound lately that I forgot how much nicer a sandy beach really is!!!  Ours are covered in rocks and pebbles, shells and mussels that you definitely don't want to walk barefoot.  Barett was a big fan of the sand too (though scared of the actual water) that he just sat there with me and played in the sand forever while Adelyn and Aaron played in the waves and searched for sand dollars (I think we came home with about 10)!

I was a little bit worried about going out there because I had been having contractions and some low back pain since early that morning.  But I am not one to waste a good day for nothing and I figured I would be disappointed if we cancelled the plans and sat around all day because they ended up being nothing besides more of those silly Braxton Hicks contractions.  Sure, they say they help prepare your body for labor, but they do a lot more getting your hopes up than necessary!!

But this time it turned out to be more than just Braxton Hicks.  We got home from the beach (which if you aren't familiar with WA geography is about an hour 45 from where we are and has just a mediocre hospital) and about 20 minutes later, my water broke!!  I was a little confused at first because I have never had that happen--I was induced with both kids.  But when it soaked through my pants (TMI?) I figured there was only one thing it could mean.

My parents came over as quickly as they could to stay with the kids and we headed to the hospital.  We were very excited to finally experience actually going in to labor...especially because of how much less time it meant we had to spend sitting around in that hospital!  We checked in around 7 and she was born at 9:23!  With Adelyn from check-in to birth was 18 hours and for Barett it was 14.  Definitely a drag...I am probably not the only one who would say contractions are better at the beach than at the hospital!!

We named her Annika Maryn.  You know we are a little creative when we pick names, so here is the breakdown on how Aaron came up with it: Ann because all our moms have that in their names, ika for the ending of mine.  Maryn (with the emphasis on the ryn) for two of his sister's middle names: Marie and Brynn...oh yeah and because Marie is my middle name an afterthought. :)  But in his defense, he was thinking of that before he knew he would marry someone with the same middle name.

She weighed in at a mere 6 lbs 13 oz...TWO pounds less than my other two.  Yes, another reason to be grateful for an early arrival.  And believe me I was very grateful during the delivery.  I think I only had about 45 minutes of hard labor and 10 minutes of pushing (though don't quote me because I wasn't exactly watching the clock).  It happened so fast that once again my own doctor didn't make it in time and I had to have a hospital resident deliver her.  Which I guess is better than the nurse, which is what they were worried about when I told them I didn't think I could stop myself from pushing.  

Though I can't help but wonder if my own doctor had been there would I have retained tissue in my uterus, giving me an infection (endometritis), sending me back to the hospital a week later, requiring another hospital visit for a D&C two days after that?!?!  Sadly I have to conclude though that I can only blame my own body for not pushing everything out, though it is always nice to have a scapegoat.  So much for thinking I was having the best recovery ever!  Before Wednesday I was feeling so good I started feeling guilty for all those great Relief Society meals.  

But I guess all Adelyn's prayers (that the baby would be beautiful and healthy) were answered.  Annika is beautiful, perfect, a great eater, a great sleeper, and we all love her so much, especially Barett.  Whenever she cries, he stops what he is doing and goes to try to find her binky and give her a hug.  Whenever she wakes up from sleeping he grunts and squeals and tries to take her out of my arms so he can hold her.  This level of enthusiasm in a two-year-old boy still learning how to be gentle keeps me on my toes!

It has been a crazy ten days, but we feel so lucky to have her despite all the chaos.  I don't know how I would survive this parenting adventure without Aaron: for my own health and sanity his joblessness during this time has been really helpful!!  Just pray with us that joblessness goes away before all these hospital bills hit the mailbox.  I am also really grateful for all my parents have done in those 10 days too; I think three nights of sleepovers, and for my dad a bonus babysitting visit until 2 in the morning the ER night and 20 minutes notice for my trip to the doctor the next day.  

Happy Father's Day Dad and Aaron!!!  You two are the best!


Sharon said...

Wow - what a story. Congratulations on the quick arrival of Annika - she's a cutie! Hope everything will calm down soon.

Em said...

Congrats! She's adorable!

Coleman Family said...

She's beautiful! Congrats!

Julia said...

Congratulations! Glad it was quick for you...and that you didn't have her at the beach! ;) lol.

Elizabeth C said...

congratulations! glad mama and baby are healthy! so happy for your family!

Anonymous said...

Loved your post. I'm glad you wrote it all down. This is going to be one to remember when your future posterity is reading about the trials of their ancestors! Praying life will settle down for you and Aaron will find his dream job this week! Susan & Jay