Sunday, January 3, 2010

It [was] the Holiday Season

In case anyone is still interested in Christmas news, since I've yet to blog ours, here you go. Obviously we were pretty excited because this was Adelyn's first Christmas and she was actually old enough to enjoy it, unlike what her first Christmas would have been if she had come on her due date last year.

It wasn't the most relaxing Christmas...Aaron's brother flew into town from Utah on Christmas Eve so we came up with a bit of a crazy schedule between families that involved a lot of driving and a lot of fun.

Christmas Eve we had an early dinner with my parents (who were nice enough to accomdate our crazy plan), during which Jenn showcased her yet again triumphant wrapping. This year instead of tags she used our pictures to identify what was for who, and instead of traditional ribbon, red feather boas...what will she come up with next!

Then we headed straight to the airport to get Seth and then headed to spend the night at Aaron's sister Hillary and her husband Dan's new house. We had too many munchies and too many laughs and stayed up too late to even remember it all. With no little kids around, we slept in and opened gifts at our leisure. Here is Adelyn Christmas morning getting ready for the excitement.

Then we had a yummy yummy brunch, more good times, and headed back down to my parents to open gifts and have Christmas dinner and play more games with them. Every year I am always touched by everyone's generosity and kindness. I love my family and I love my in-laws. And in a random side note, I love our church ward too...I coordinated our Adopt-A-Family this year and was seriously amazed...our living room and dining room were filled with gifts that people had gotten for those in need this year.

I love the Christmas season...and know that the "Spirt of Christmas" that people attribute to the immense love and giving that always happens this time of year is because of Christ and the love that He has for each of us (whether others around attribute that to Him or not). I hope as Christians we can work hard for our nation to hold on to that.

When you see a little face like that how can you not feel the love God has for all of us?!?! Love you!


Heather said...

what a fun christams! that is so awesome that you were able to help our ward out like that. i can't believe you already have a one year old! she is adorable!:)

RR said...

Love the pictures..Now when can I come over to make those Salmon cakes? My family will love those! I made the best Southwest salad with black beans, shrimp, and a citrus flavored dressing...However not everyone eats seafood so it wasn't graciously excepted as I had intented.