If you are like me, you look at blogs for the pictures more than the stories, but even knowing that about myself I have to share with you some details of our Halloween experience. I think I have lost my mind...we went over to my sister's house to get the girls ready for our church Trunk or Treat and wouldn't you know...I forgot the COSTUMES!! She lives about 20 min away and I turned around to get them about halfway there. So when we arrived to her house 15 min late, I realized I STILL forgot Adelyn's dress. What?! After I already went home to retrieve them?
This of course made us late for the Trunk or Treat. The announcement was to be there at 6:15 to park and it would start at 6:30. Since we were still making it by 6:30, I thought we'd be okay. No. It was OVER! Completely done. What Adelyn has been talking about all month, we missed because of my serious absentmindedness. People were in their cars driving away when we pulled up.
What were these kids doing? Just sprinting from car to car? The few cars that hadn't left yet were all out of candy. This was after Barett had screamed the whole 20 min to my sister's and back. All that for nothing. But they looked so cute so I got over the drama and we just trick or treated at a few houses on my parents' street and our street and Adelyn was still in 7th Heaven.
Here they are: Beauty and the Beast.
I was thinking maybe it was just a really bad idea to go out of town the weekend before Halloween when I should be getting all those things in order, until I remembered the list of things that I forgot for the trip as well! Aaron had some work in Oregon and we thought it would be fun to go with him and do a little adventuring...see how we could handle a trip with a family of four. Well I totally failed the test so it may be awhile before we attempt it again.
I forgot to pack:
my wallet
my phone charger
Adelyn's medicine
extra waters (7.5 hours to get there!)
my iPod (it's touch so its games keeps Adelyn enterained in the car)
my swimsuit (after I made sure Aaron packed his)
Psych DVDs to watch after Adelyn went to bed (okay that one not essential, but still nice!)
Seriously, where is my brain these days?! I thought once those pregnancy hormones left that that forgetfulness would disappear. At least Adelyn found a way to entertain herself on the drive down...I thought this was so precious.
His work was in Coos Bay and this was near there at a State Park and the rocks behind us were COVERED with seals and Sea Lions. We stepped out of the car and all you could hear was them barking (is that what it's called?).
We drove up the 101 on the way back and saw all sorts of the goodness that is the Oregon Coast. It was nice because there was always somewhere pretty to stop that could entertain Aaron and Adelyn while I fed Barett. I can't say the same will be true for our next drive to Idaho! Here we are at The Devil's Churn.
We spent the last night in Seaside because Aaron's brother was in town on a surf trip. This beach is just so pretty! Goonies, anyone?!
Aaron took Adelyn to the aquarium during yet another Barett feeding time and did a little feeding of their own. This is some live Adelyn action for those of you who live far away.
Despite my flightiness and countless hours in the car in a mere four days, we had a great time and managed to make it home in one piece. I love that we live in such a beautiful place where we can just hop in the car and be someplace awesome.
Anyway, aren't they just irresistable?